Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Post Sixteen - open

Questions/comments etc... post here

Post Fifteen- The decision

Why does Amir go to Pakistan? Go beyond the obvious.

Post Fourteen - Years later...

Ten years have passed for Amir and Soraya. What are they like now? How have they changed/stayed the same, etc.

Post Thirteen- Adoption

Analyze Amir, Soraya, and the General's reactions to Soraya's unexplained fertility problems.

Post Twelve - fatherhood

Is Amir qualified to be a father?

Post 11 - 1989

Why is 1989 a significant year for Amir, Soraya, and Afghanistan?

Post Ten - Amir's realization

Focus on page 174. What does Amir realize about Baba?

Later he says "I realize how much of who I was, what I was, had been defined by Baba and the marks he had left on me" (174). Think about yourself? Do you share Amir's realization? How have your parents/loved ones defined you?