Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Post Twelve - fatherhood

Is Amir qualified to be a father?


Anonymous said...

At first I want to say no, but then I have to stop and think about how much time has passed since Amir's mistake, and I must consider how he has changed since then. Amir, although he hasn't forgiven himself yet, he does know that he was wrong. "...someone, somewherej, had decided to deny me fatherhood for the things I had done." A good explination for why his wife can't get pregnant, but one I don't agree with. Because, although, Amir had screwed up big time, I think because of that mistake, he is one of the best people to become a father. He not only will be able to teach his child everything that Baba taught him, but he will also be able to teach his child everything that he has learned as well. Which is one of the most important things in parenting, what you have to give to your children.

mmatysak said...
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mmatysak said...

Anonymous, whoever you are, good point: his mistakes will make him one of the best people to be a father.

Dont' just let quotes stand alone- make them part of a larger sentence.

Anonymous said...

Bethanie. That's my quote, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Brittany Shannon

Amir is qualified to be a father. The definition of fatherhood is not the fact that you do everything right the first time and on the first try. Amir would learn things that come with being a father. As long as he would learn and fix the little details that are important to the role of fatherhood, I think he would do just fine.

On another note, Amir has experienced being the son of two different fatherly figures. His real father, Baba, was the type who was hard and stern most of the time and it was his way or the high way. He never excepted Amir for who he was. Instead of being the violent child, he stuck to his books and became an author. The other fatherly figure to Amir was Rahim Khan. He embraced the fact that Amir could write with flying colors and encouraged him to contine on this path. Rahim also gave him the opportunity to speak freely when necessary. For example on page 99, Rahim says " You know, you can tell me anything you want, Amir jan. Anytime." Unlike his real father who always said he was too busy having talking about grown up things.
The bottom line is, Amir has experienced two different types of fatherly figures and I think he will take something from both of them and do something different than both of them. He will become a respected father who accepts his children just they are.

Anonymous said...

Jasmine Duplechin
I actually think he is qualified to be a father...people change as they get older and more mature. On page 181 he talks about his life with Soraya. He talks about his acceptance at San Jose State and that he was declared an English major. He gets a job to provide for Soraya and himself...and the fact that he spends so much time studying and preparing himself shows how important school is to him. School puts alot of responsibility on a persons' shoulders. Even though Amir made a pretty huge mistake, we have to take into consideration that he was only 11 years old. I probably would've done what he did too. The fact that he felt so guilty shows that he has learned from his mistake. Being a father he can show his children that making mistakes is normal just as long as you learn from them. He understands that his decision and actions are wrong. He can teach his children better.

mmatysak said...

Could you make the case that it's actually been three fathers: Old Baba, new Baba, and Rahim?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bethanie and Brittany that Amir would be a good father just becuase of everything he has gone through in his life. Some may think he wouldn't be a good father because of mistakes he has made, but I think those mistakes and how much Amir has changed would make him an even better father. Amir had a good father figure in Baba and and when Baba died Amir finally realized that and I think he would carry over what he learned from Baba to his child and maybe he could help his child not make the same mistakes he did.

Anonymous said...

Brittany Shannon
To Mrs. Matysak

You could make the case of there being three fathers. My mind set was to focus on the two different types. The new Baba ties in with the way Rahim handled things so thats why I tried to just stay focused on the foiling fatherly figures.

Anonymous said...

Carole Surfus...
What makes you qualified to be a father?
If it's financial stability then i would say that he is qualified because he is becoming a published author. If it's being married, then he's got that one too. But if it's having good morals or being honest, then is he qualified. Amir still hasn't had the courage to tell even his wife about his secret. What makes me believe that he would be honest if something happened with his child? We all know he runs away in the face of danger and can't even admit to himself the true reason why he did it.
I get that he has grown up and changed over the years. But if really has changed for good, then why hasn't he finally admitted his secret to the person who most deserves to know it?

mmatysak said...

And that is the question, isn't it Carole! Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

Sara Olson
To Bethanie and Brittany

Bethanie I agree his mistakes will let him be a good father. As you said, "He not only will be able to teach his child everything that Baba taught him, but he will also be able to teach his child everything that he has learned as well." I was thinking that as well. I also don't agree that they are having a problem with infertility because of a past mistake.

Brit, he has great examples of fathers and he knows how it feels to never be excepted for what he was.