Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Post Fourteen - Years later...

Ten years have passed for Amir and Soraya. What are they like now? How have they changed/stayed the same, etc.


Anonymous said...

Physically Soraya is changing, Amir describes Soraya by saying she has "a sliver of fat...beneath Soraya's chin now. The past ten years had padded the curves of her hips some, and combed into her coal black hair a few streaks of cinder gray." But, Soyara still had the face of Grand Ball princess, and curved nose.
Amir and Soyara seem to be more settled, Soyara teaching at the same school for 6 years, and Amir writing novels. Amir also talks of how they still share whispers, but instead of them being about a baby, they are about everyday life: school, books, and gossip.

Anonymous said...


Amir and Sonraya become a regular married couple. Their looks are different. "The past ten years had padded the curves of [Sonraya's] hips some, and combed into her coal black hair a few streaks of cinder gray." But that comes with age. They are now more perceptive about one another. She noticed instantly that Amir looked "pale" after Rahim's call and Amir completed Sonraya's thoughts about the safety of Afghanistan. In Amir's words, "... fifteen years had turned [them] into mind readers." However, the still have no children. Fortunately their dog Aflatoon has filled some of the void.

mmatysak said...

Amy, good quote execution. Darienne, don't let quotes stand alone - they should always be part of a sentence, like your last sentence.

Anonymous said...

Soraya and Amir still love each other as much as they did when they first got married, but I think because they couldn't have a child that put a strain on them both. On pg. 189 Amir says "almost feel the emptiness in Soraya's womb...it had seeped into our marriage." They both seem to be on edge and they are very frustrated with how things are going for them when it comes to having children. It seems on the outside they both treat and act the same way about each other, but on the inside they both feel an emptiness and it sometimes comes between them.

Anonymous said...


Soraya has aged in the past ten years both physically and mentally. She has been teaching at the same school for six years and even teaches summer school. "The past ten years had padded the curves of her hips some, and combed into her coal black hair a few streaks of cinder gray. But she still had the face of a Grand Ball princess," She was aging with time but Amir still found her beautiful. By the way Amir describes her I can tell that stress has helped age her. Amir and Soraya have become use the the married life. They have a strong relationship and both have jobs. Amir is a writer with two books published and Soraya is a teacher. They both have greatly matured, they seem to have an understanding of eachother. Amir still continoues to be haunted by the event evolving Hasson in his childhood. He still thinks about them. They are closer than they were ten years before. Soraya knows when something is wrong with Amir just by looking at him. They can read eachother just like a book. They have not yet had children. I am sure that this upsets both of them, there is an emptiness inside them. Their dog may however help ease some of the pain.

Anonymous said...

Brittany Shannon

Soraya and Amir have changed a great deal as well as stayed the same. Soraya becomes different physically and gets a job as a teacher at a school and has been there for 6 years. Amir has continued to write novels so that has stayed the same. They never had a child because they were simply unable to so instead they got a dog and named it Aflatoon as a way of easing the pain of being unable to bear children.

mmatysak said...

Shayna, Instead of putting a quote at the beginning with an explanation towards the end of the sentence, try to do the opposite.